


What is Polio?

Polio is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system, primarily transmitted through contaminated food and water. While many countries have successfully eradicated polio through widespread vaccination, the disease remains present in certain regions of Africa and Asia, with sporadic cases reported globally.

Vaccination and Boosters

To maintain protection against polio, boosters are recommended every 10 years, especially for travellers visiting countries where polio is still endemic. Ensuring your vaccinations are up to date before traveling to high-risk areas is crucial for safeguarding your health.

For comprehensive protection and travel health advice, consult with a healthcare provider before your trip to ensure you meet all necessary vaccination requirements.

Age of use Doses required Schedule Time Before Travel Booster Required
10 years+ 1 - Up to day before* 10 years

*Vaccines work best if given time to become active. This vaccine can be given up to the day before travel and will provide some cover.

Risk Areas

Other Diseases

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